The Garcia's

Family Life at The Garcia's

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So, Travis said I need to update and this is the only thing I can think of until we have Dominics' First Birthday Party on Saturday!
Can you believe that my baby is one Today! It's amazing how fast it really does go by.

Sarah Graduated from
As you can see by the date it was a month ago. But none the less we are very proud of her, just one more step accomplished towards her goals as a Crime Scene Investigator.

Doesn't she look excited for her mommy!

Now let me say this evening was a very busy night. Sarah's graduation started at 6:30 then, we headed off to Ho-Juns' graduation which started at 7pm so needless to say we were late to

Ho-Juns' graduation but made it in time to watch him walk.

Doesn't he look proud.

So now Ho-Jun has gone back to Korea and really misses everybody here. He really wants to come back and stay for a couple months on his own time. I have decided it is hard to explain to a two year old where his foreign best buddy has gone and why he's not at Mimis' house anymore. The day after Ho-Jun left Damien just cried for him. "Ho-Jun go? Where Ho-Jun go, play ball? Ho-Jun?" It's quite sad. Anyways I will soon have more picture to share with everyone.

I hope this finds everyone well!


Blogger Travis R. said...

That's too cute about Damien. Tell your sister congrats for us! Blessings!

June 24, 2006 7:48 PM  

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